publication venue for
- DCE-Qnet: deep network quantification of dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI. 2024
- Improved total sensitivity estimation for multiple receive coils in MRI using ratios of first-order statistics.. 35. 2022
- Upper brainstem GABA levels in Parkinson's disease.. 34. 2021
- Spatially resolved kinetics of skeletal muscle exercise response and recovery with multiple echo diffusion tensor imaging (MEDITI): a feasibility study.. 31. 2018
- Two-dimensional XD-GRASP provides better image quality than conventional 2D cardiac cine MRI for patients who cannot suspend respiration.. 31. 2017
- Effect of T2* correction on contrast kinetic model analysis using a reference tissue arterial input function at 7 T.. 28. 2015
- Phase-corrected bipolar gradients in multi-echo gradient-echo sequences for quantitative susceptibility mapping.. 28. 2014
- ECG-triggered non-enhanced MR angiography of peripheral arteries in comparison to DSA in patients with peripheral artery occlusive disease.. 26. 2012
- Editorial commentary for the special issue: technological developments in hyperpolarized 13C imaging-toward a deeper understanding of tumor metabolism in vivo.. 34. 2021
- Clinical implications of skeletal muscle blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) MRI. 2012
- MR imaging of the prostate in clinical practice. 2008