publication venue for
- Delayed feedback could either help or hurt test-enhanced learning; it depends. 2024
- An integrated scenario-based adverse drug reaction education programme.. 57. 2023
- You can teach students to give better feedback.. 56. 2022
- Clinical sketches: teaching medical illustration to medical students.. 48. 2014
- A healing curriculum.. 41. 2007
- The OSCE as a formative evaluation tool for substance abuse teaching.. 39. 2005
- Learning to look: developing clinical observational skills at an art museum.. 35. 2001
- Neurobehaviour rounds and interdisciplinary education in neurology and psychiatry (698).. 32. 1998
- Computer-assisted rating of surgical skills: introduction to urate.. 42. 2008
- Partnership, reflection and patient focus: advancing cultural competency training relevance. 2010
- Innovations in teaching anatomy. 1999
- Variability and gaps in teamwork assessment tools for health care teams in health professions education: A scoping review. 2025
- Synchronous distance education vs traditional education for health science students: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 2020