Arginase I and polyamines act downstream from cyclic AMP in overcoming inhibition of axonal growth MAG and myelin in vitro.
Academic Article
Elevation of cAMP can overcome myelin inhibitors to encourage regeneration of the CNS. We show that a consequence of elevated cAMP is the synthesis of polyamines, resulting from an up-regulation of Arginase I, a key enzyme in their synthesis. Inhibiting polyamine synthesis blocks the cAMP effect on regeneration. Either over-expression of Arginase I or exogenous polyamines can overcome inhibition by MAG and by myelin in general. While MAG/myelin support the growth of young DRG neurons, they become inhibitory as DRGs mature. Endogenous Arginase I levels are high in young DRGs but drop spontaneously at an age that coincides with the switch from promotion to inhibition by MAG/myelin. Over-expressing Arginase I in maturing DRGs blocks that switch. Arginase I and polyamines are more specific targets than cAMP for intervention to encourage regeneration after CNS injury.