Optimal coil array design: the two-coil case.
Academic Article
The optimization problem for coil arrays is largely unsolved, even for the case of a two-coil system. This paper reports a systematic computer simulation to investigate the maximal achievable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with a two-coil receiver system where, using cancellation circuitry, mutual inductance is made zero. Both symmetrical and asymmetrical solutions with respect to two-coil geometry are considered. SNR is measured at a single point at a certain depth and also along a longitudinal or transverse line at the same depth. The conducting medium containing these regions of interest is assumed to be an infinite half space, an infinite cylinder or a finite sphere. The previous coil array design using a "magical" overlap only approximates the optimal solution for the infinite half space. For the infinite cylinder and the finite sphere, optimal solutions can be quite different from the "magical" overlap.