publication venue for
- Combination of deep learning reconstruction and quantification for dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI.. 117. 2024
- Phase-sensitive deep reconstruction method for rapid multiparametric MR fingerprinting and quantitative susceptibility mapping in the brain.. 109. 2024
- Convolutional network denoising for acceleration of multi-shot diffusion MRI. 2023
- Lumbar dorsal root ganglion displacement between supine and prone positions evaluated with 3D MRI.. 104. 2023
- Quantitative longitudinal mapping of radiation-treated prostate cancer using MR fingerprinting with radial acquisition and subspace reconstruction.. 101. 2023
- Diffusion-weighted MRI of total hip arthroplasty for classification of synovial reactions: A pilot study.. 96. 2022
- In-phase simultaneous spectral editing of lactate and alanine with suppression of J-coupled lipids by the modified selective multiple quantum coherence sequences.. 94. 2022
- Magic angle effect on diffusion tensor imaging in ligament and brain.. 92. 2022
- Quantification of lung ventilation defects on hyperpolarized MRI: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) COPD study.. 92. 2022
- Quantitative transport mapping (QTM) for differentiating benign and malignant breast lesion: Comparison with traditional kinetics modeling and semi-quantitative enhancement curve characteristics.. 86. 2021
- Improvement of peripheral nerve visualization using a deep learning-based MR reconstruction algorithm.. 85. 2021
- Improved nerve conspicuity with water-weighting and denoising in two-point Dixon magnetic resonance neurography.. 79. 2021
- Radiomic prediction of mutation status based on MR imaging of lung cancer brain metastases.. 69. 2020
- An evaluation of the reproducibility of 1H-MRS GABA and GSH levels acquired in healthy volunteers with J-difference editing sequences at varying echo times.. 65. 2019
- Evaluation of diffusion kurtosis imaging in stratification of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and early diagnosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in a rabbit model.. 63. 2019
- Diffusional kurtosis imaging for differentiation of additional suspicious lesions on preoperative breast MRI of patients with known breast cancer.. 62. 2019
- Clinical feasibility of brain quantitative susceptibility mapping.. 60. 2019
- Sliding motion compensated low-rank plus sparse (SMC-LS) reconstruction for high spatiotemporal free-breathing liver 4D DCE-MRI.. 58. 2019
- MRI based texture analysis to classify low grade gliomas into astrocytoma and 1p/19q codeleted oligodendroglioma.. 57. 2018
- Characterization of prostate cancer with MR spectroscopic imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging at 3 Tesla.. 55. 2018
- Association among T2 signal intensity, necrosis, ADC and Ki-67 in estrogen receptor-positive and HER2-negative invasive ductal carcinoma.. 54. 2018
- Subcortical brain iron deposition and cognitive performance in older women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy: A pilot MRI study.. 54. 2018
- Accuracy and precision of quantitative DCE-MRI parameters: How should one estimate contrast concentration?. 52. 2018
- Effect of intravascular contrast agent on diffusion and perfusion fraction coefficients in the peripheral zone and prostate cancer.. 51. 2018
- Model selection for high b-value diffusion-weighted MRI of the prostate.. 46. 2017
- Normalizing data from GABA-edited MEGA-PRESS implementations at 3 Tesla.. 42. 2017
- Rapid whole brain myelin water content mapping without an external water standard at 1.5T.. 39. 2017
- Pharmacokinetic analysis and drug delivery efficiency of the focused ultrasound-induced blood-brain barrier opening in non-human primates.. 37. 2016
- Comparison of compressed sensing diffusion spectrum imaging and diffusion tensor imaging in patients with intracranial masses.. 36. 2016
- On the influence of zero-padding on the nonlinear operations in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.. 35. 2016
- Prostate MRSI predicts outcome in radical prostatectomy patients.. 34. 2016
- The influence of molecular order and microstructure on the R2* and the magnetic susceptibility tensor.. 34. 2015
- Prostate diffusion imaging with distortion correction.. 33. 2015
- Simulation study of the effect of golden-angle KWIC with generalized kinetic model analysis on diagnostic accuracy for lesion discrimination.. 33. 2014
- Measurement and correction of stimulated echo contamination in T2-based iron quantification.. 31. 2012
- A systematic approach to magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of epiphyseal lesions.. 31. 2012
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of hormone-induced breast changes in young premenopausal women.. 31. 2012
- Temporal/spatial resolution improvement of in vivo DCE-MRI with compressed sensing-optimized FLASH.. 30. 2012
- Automatic quantification of muscle volumes in magnetic resonance imaging scans of the lower extremities.. 29. 2011
- In vivo measurement of normal rat intracellular pyruvate and lactate levels after injection of hyperpolarized [1-(13)C]alanine.. 29. 2011
- Z intensity-weighted position self-respiratory gating method for free-breathing 3D cardiac CINE imaging.. 29. 2011
- Unambiguous identification of superparamagnetic iron oxide particles through quantitative susceptibility mapping of the nonlinear response to magnetic fields.. 28. 2010
- MRI findings of rapidly progressive hepatocellular carcinoma.. 28. 2010
- Image correction during large and rapid B(0) variations in an open MRI system with permanent magnets using navigator echoes and phase compensation.. 27. 2009
- Feasibility of using limited-population-based average R10 for pharmacokinetic modeling of osteosarcoma dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging data.. 27. 2009
- Free-breathing 3-dimensional steady-state free precession coronary magnetic resonance angiography: comparison of four navigator gating techniques.. 27. 2009
- Quantitative intact specimen magnetic resonance microscopy at 3.0 T.. 27. 2009
- Examiner repeatability of patellar cartilage T2 values.. 27. 2008
- Bias of cartilage T2 values related to method of calculation.. 26. 2008
- Automatic correction of in-plane bulk motion artifacts in self-navigated radial MRI.. 26. 2008
- Diffusion changes in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.. 25. 2006
- Optimal coil array design: the two-coil case.. 25. 2006
- The value of specific MRI features in the evaluation of suspected placental invasion.. 25. 2006
- Water-selective spectral-spatial contrast-enhanced breast MRI for cancer detection in patients with extracapsular and injected free silicone.. 24. 2006
- Fiber tracking in the cervical spine and inferior brain regions with reversed gradient diffusion tensor imaging.. 24. 2006
- Spinal effects of acupuncture stimulation assessed by proton density-weighted functional magnetic resonance imaging at 0.2 T.. 23. 2005
- Tracking regression and progression of atherosclerosis in human carotid arteries using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging.. 22. 2004
- Conventional MR imaging with simultaneous measurements of cerebral blood volume and vascular permeability in ganglioglioma.. 22. 2004
- Simultaneous multiple volume (SMV) acquisition algorithm for real-time navigator gating.. 21. 2003
- Discrimination of components in atherosclerotic plaques from human carotid endarterectomy specimens by magnetic resonance imaging ex vivo.. 21. 2003
- De-noising of left ventricular myocardial borders in magnetic resonance images.. 20. 2002
- Optimization of view ordering for motion artifact suppression.. 19. 2001
- Wavelet-based enhancement for detection of left ventricular myocardial boundaries in magnetic resonance images.. 18. 2000
- Quantitation of renal perfusion using arterial spin labeling with FAIR-UFLARE.. 18. 2000
- A quantitative assessment of liver metabolites during jaundice using three dimensional phosphorus chemical shift imaging.. 18. 2000
- MR imaging of cervical spine motion with HASTE.. 17. 1999
- Magnetic resonance imaging of neuroblastoma using current techniques.. 17. 1999
- In vitro model of arterial stenosis: correlation of MR signal dephasing and trans-stenotic pressure gradients.. 16. 1998
- Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography of renal transplants.. 15. 1997
- In vivo and ex vivo study of metabolic and cellular effects of 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy in a mouse mammary carcinoma.. 15. 1997
- 3D gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography of the carotid arteries.. 14. 1996
- A simple MR-compatible infusion pump.. 14. 1996
- Fast spoiled gradient-recalled MR imaging of thoracic aortic dissection: preliminary clinical experience at 1.5 T.. 14. 1996
- Partially saturated fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences in multiple sclerosis: comparison with fully relaxed FLAIR and conventional spin-echo.. 13. 1995
- Effects of therapy on the 1H NMR spectrum of a human glioma line.. 12. 1994
- A birdcage resonator for intracavitary MR imaging.. 11. 1993
- Detection of viable myocardium in segments with fixed defects on thallium-201 scintigraphy: usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging early after acute myocardial infarction.. 11. 1993
- Time of flight renal MR angiography: utility in patients with renal insufficiency.. 11. 1993
- An analysis of the intrinsic resonance offset dependence of magnetization generated by stimulated echo pulse sequences for noncoupled spins.. 9. 1991
- MR imaging of experimental and clinical thrombi at 1.5 T.. 8. 1990
- MR imaging of the uterus: low-signal-intensity abnormalities of the endometrium and endometrial cavity.. 8. 1990
- Doubly tuned solenoidal resonators for small animal imaging and spectroscopy at 1.5 Tesla.. 7. 1989
- Heterogeneous signal intensity in magnetic resonance images of hypertrophied left ventricular myocardium.. 7. 1989
- Errors in the assessment of the efficacy of MRI pulse sequences.. 4. 1986
- MRI of a retained sponge in a dog.. 3. 1985
- Preliminary observations on magnetic resonance imaging in refractory epilepsy.. 2. 1984
- Relaxation enhancement using liposomes carrying paramagnetic species.. 2. 1984
- Machine learning in resting-state fMRI analysis. 2020
- NMR in cancer. I. High resolution spectroscopy of tumors. 1984