Identification of a partial cDNA clone for the C3d/Epstein-Barr virus receptor of human B lymphocytes: homology with the receptor for fragments C3b and C4b of the third and fourth components of complement.
Academic Article
Human complement receptor type 2 (CR2) is the B-lymphocyte receptor both for the C3d fragment of the third component of complement and for the Epstein-Barr virus. Amino acid sequence analysis of tryptic peptides of CR2 revealed a strong degree of homology with the human C3b/C4b receptor, CR1. This homology suggested that CR1 gene sequences could be used to detect the CR2 sequences at conditions of low-stringency hybridization. Upon screening a human tonsillar cDNA library with CR1 cDNA sequences, two clones were identified that hybridized at low, but not at high, stringency. Redundant oligonucleotides specific for CR2 sequences were synthesized and used to establish that the two cDNA clones weakly hybridizing with the CR1 cDNA contained CR2 sequences. One of these CR2 cDNA clones hybridized to oligonucleotides derived from two distinct CR2 tryptic peptides, whereas the other, smaller cDNA clone hybridized to oligonucleotides derived from only one of the CR2 peptides. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the CR2 cDNA confirmed that the site of oligonucleotide hybridization was identical to that predicted from the peptide sequence, including flanking sequences not included within the oligonucleotide probes. The CR2-specific cDNA sequences identified a poly(A)+ RNA species of 5 kilobases in RNA extracted from human B cells but did not hybridize to any RNA obtained from the CR2-negative T-cell line HSB-2, thus confirming the appropriate size and tissue-specific distribution for the CR2 mRNA. The striking peptide sequence homology between CR2 and CR1 and the cross-hybridization of the CR2 cDNA with the CR1-specific sequences allow the placement of CR2 in a recently defined gene family of C3- and C4-binding proteins consisting of CR1, C4-binding protein, factor H, and now, CR2.