An Accelerated Pipeline for Multi-label Renal Pathology Image Segmentation at the Whole Slide Image Level.
Academic Article
Deep-learning techniques have been used widely to alleviate the labour-intensive and time-consuming manual annotation required for pixel-level tissue characterization. Our previous study introduced an efficient single dynamic network - Omni-Seg - that achieved multi-class multi-scale pathological segmentation with less computational complexity. However, the patch-wise segmentation paradigm still applies to Omni-Seg, and the pipeline is time-consuming when providing segmentation for Whole Slide Images (WSIs). In this paper, we propose an enhanced version of the Omni-Seg pipeline in order to reduce the repetitive computing processes and utilize a GPU to accelerate the model's prediction for both better model performance and faster speed. Our proposed method's innovative contribution is two-fold: (1) a Docker is released for an end-to-end slide-wise multi-tissue segmentation for WSIs; and (2) the pipeline is deployed on a GPU to accelerate the prediction, achieving better segmentation quality in less time. The proposed accelerated implementation reduced the average processing time (at the testing stage) on a standard needle biopsy WSI from 2.3 hours to 22 minutes, using 35 WSIs from the Kidney Tissue Atlas (KPMP) Datasets. The source code and the Docker have been made publicly available at