Harel Weinstein   Professor of Physiology and Biophysics

  • +1 212 746 6358

Physiology, Systems Biology and Bioinformatics

Structural, dynamic and electronic determinants of biological processes underlying physiological functions are addressed in the lab through the development and application methods in theoretical and computational biophysics. Much of the computational and modeling efforts offer improved methods and new structural insights related to function. The approaches include theoretical determinations of molecular structure and properties, computational simulations and bioinformatics.

A particular strength of the studies is that they carried out in collaborative arrangements with experimental explorations of cellular processes and biomolecular functions. Because the central questions emerging from research in cellular and molecular biology require functional and mechanic interpretations at the molecular level, computational explorations complement experiments and enrich them with mechanistic insights and new testable hypotheses.

New algorithms and informatics tools have emerged from these studies. The research is focused on the study of generalizable mechanisms such as those triggered by molecular recognition and leading to a signal transduction in systems of ever increasing size and complexity. e-mail: haw2002@med.cornell.edu For more information, please go to the following location: http://physiology.med.cornell.edu/faculty/hweinstein/index.html.

Dr. Weinstein is a faculty member in the Tri-Institutional PhD Program in Chemical Biology.


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Funding awarded

  • Ca2+-dependent lipid scrambling and ion transport by TMEM16 proteins  awarded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences Co-Principal Investigator 2019 - 2024



full name

  • Harel Weinstein

primary email

  • haw2002@med.cornell.edu