publication venue for
- Editorial overview: Molecular neuroscience.. 57. 2019
- Beyond images.. 8. 1998
- Unc13: a multifunctional synaptic marvel. 2019
- Glucose metabolism in nerve terminals. 2017
- Timing temporal transitions during brain development. 2016
- NMDA antagonist treatment of depression. 2015
- Neuromodulation of the conscious state following severe brain injuries. 2014
- Large-scale brain dynamics in disorders of consciousness. 2013
- Microglia dynamics and function in the CNS. 2010
- Developmental neurobiology of cognitive control and motivational systems. 2010
- Analyzing the activity of large populations of neurons: how tractable is the problem? 2007
- The synaptic vesicle: cycle of exocytosis and endocytosis. 2006
- Spike train metrics. 2005
- Changes in cerebral functional organization during cognitive development. 2005
- Molecular mechanisms of CaMKII activation in neuronal plasticity. 2002
- The many faces of p75NTR. 2002
- Presynaptic imaging techniques. 2001
- New insights and therapeutic opportunities for progranulin-deficient frontotemporal dementia. 2021
- Tau-mediated synaptic and neuronal dysfunction in neurodegenerative disease. 2018
- Neural and genetic basis of dexterous hand movements. 2018
- Endo-lysosomal dysfunction: a converging mechanism in neurodegenerative diseases. 2017
- Axon guidance and injury-lessons from Wnts and Wnt signaling. 2014
- Control-related systems in the human brain. 2013
- The evolving roles of axonally synthesized proteins in regeneration. 2006
- Cognitive neuroscience. 2000