publication venue for
- Gram-scale preparation of the antibiotic lead compound salicyl-AMS, a potent inhibitor of bacterial salicylate adenylation enzymes. 2020
- Molecular Dynamics Methodologies for Probing Cannabinoid Ligand/Receptor Interaction. 2017
- Chemical probes and methods for single-cell detection and quantification of epichaperomes in hematologic malignancies.. 639. 2020
- Measuring Phospholipase D Enzymatic Activity Through Biochemical and Imaging Methods.. 583. 2016
- Imaging of mitochondrial dynamics in motor and sensory axons of living mice.. 547. 2014
- Measurement of ADP-ATP exchange in relation to mitochondrial transmembrane potential and oxygen consumption.. 542. 2014
- Genome-wide mapping of nucleosome positions in yeast using high-resolution MNase ChIP-Seq.. 513. 2012
- Reassembly of functionally intact environmental DNA-derived biosynthetic gene clusters.. 517. 2012
- Chapter 26 Measurement of superoxide formation by mitochondrial complex I of Yarrowia lipolytica.. 456. 2009
- Generation of DOTA-conjugated antibody fragments for radioimmunoimaging.. 386. 2004
- Gene trap vector screen for developmental genes in differentiating ES cells.. 365. 2003
- Assessment of clonal relationships in malignant lymphomas.. 356. 2002
- Gene transfer methods for transplantation.. 346. 2002
- In vitro model of oxidative stress in cortical neurons.. 352. 2002
- Purification of soluble adenylyl cyclase.. 345. 2002
- Three-dimensional representations of G protein-coupled receptor structures and mechanisms.. 343. 2002
- Structural basis of thermostability in hyperthermophilic proteins, or "there's more than one way to skin a cat".. 334. 2001
- Whole genome DNA microarray expression analysis of biofilm development by Vibrio cholerae O1 E1 Tor.. 336. 2001
- Invertase fusion proteins for analysis of protein trafficking in yeast.. 327. 2000
- Studies of signal transduction events using chimeras to green fluorescent protein.. 327. 2000
- Design and characterization of gramicidin channels.. 294. 1999
- Ion channels as tools to monitor lipid bilayer-membrane protein interactions: gramicidin channels as molecular force transducers.. 294. 1999
- Binding sites of nitric oxide synthases.. 268. 1996
- Microtiter plate assay for determining kinetics of nitric oxide synthesis.. 268. 1996
- Biosynthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors.. 250. 1995
- Structural analysis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors.. 230. 1994
- Construction of complex directional complementary DNA libraries in SfiI.. 216. 1992
- Functional expression of mammalian adenosine cyclic monophosphate-dependent protein kinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. 200. 1991
- Production of p60c-src by baculovirus expression and immunoaffinity purification.. 200. 1991
- RNA polymerase II transcription in vitro.. 194. 1991
- Assays for expression of genes regulated by retinoic acid in murine teratocarcinoma cell lines.. 190. 1990
- Endocytosis and lysosomal hydrolysis of proteins in proximal tubules.. 191. 1990
- GenBank: current status and future directions.. 183. 1990
- Kinetics of ion movement mediated by carriers and channels.. 171. 1989
- Measurement of platelet and megakaryocyte interaction with the subendothelial extracellular matrix.. 169. 1989
- Measurement of vacuolar pH and cytoplasmic calcium in living cells using fluorescence microscopy.. 173. 1989
- Platelet histidine-rich glycoprotein.. 169. 1989
- Preparation of precursors to mRNA from mammalian cell nuclei.. 180. 1989
- Pulse labeling of heterogeneous nuclear RNA in isolated nuclei.. 180. 1989
- Human receptor for C3b/C4b: complement receptor type I.. 150. 1987
- Isolation and purification of gangliosides from plasma.. 138. 1987
- The use of microinjection and video microscopy for the study of calmodulin and calcium in living cells.. 139. 1987
- Digital imaging fluorescence microscopy.. 129. 1986
- Isolation and assay of the Ac-LDL receptor.. 129. 1986
- Preparation of monoclonal antibodies and site-directed polyclonal antibodies against the lac permease of Escherichia coli.. 125. 1986
- Somatostatin release from dissociated cerebral cortical cell cultures.. 124. 1986
- Spectroscopic studies of lipoproteins.. 128. 1986
- Study of protein dynamics by X-ray diffraction.. 131. 1986
- Thermodynamics of apolipoprotein-phospholipid association.. 128. 1986
- Diffraction methods for biological macromolecules. Flow cell construction and use.. 114. 1985
- Preparation of isomorphous heavy-atom derivatives.. 114. 1985
- Polarized assembly of enveloped viruses from cultured epithelial cells.. 98. 1983
- Initiation of globin synthesis: assays.. 30. 1974
- Structural dynamics of channels and transporters by high-speed atomic force microscopy.. 652. 2021
- Correlating ion channel structure and function.. 652. 2021
- A quantitative flux assay for the study of reconstituted Cl- channels and transporters.. 652. 2021
- High-speed atomic force microscopy to study pore-forming proteins.. 649. 2021
- Computational methods in tumor immunology.. 636. 2020
- Ex vivo assessment of in vivo DC-targeted antibodies in pre-clinical models.. 632. 2019
- In vitro assays for effector T cell functions and activity of immunomodulatory antibodies.. 631. 2019
- Assessment of IFN-γ and granzyme-B production by in "sitro" technology.. 631. 2019
- Cytofluorometric assessment of dendritic cell-mediated uptake of cancer cell apoptotic bodies.. 632. 2019
- Detection and quantification of cytosolic DNA.. 629. 2019
- Spectroscopic Characterization of Structure-Function Relationships in the Intrinsically Disordered Protein Complexin.. 611. 2018
- HCN and K2P Channels in Anesthetic Mechanisms Research.. 602. 2018
- Approaches to Understanding the Mediator Function of Brh2 in Ustilago maydis.. 600. 2018
- Single-Molecule Optical-Trapping Techniques to Study Molecular Mechanisms of a Replisome.. 582. 2016
- Developing Fluorogenic Riboswitches for Imaging Metabolite Concentration Dynamics in Bacterial Cells.. 572. 2016
- Live-cell imaging of mammalian RNAs with Spinach2.. 550. 2015
- Spatial, temporal, and quantitative manipulation of intracellular hydrogen peroxide in cultured cells.. 547. 2014
- Unzipping single DNA molecules to study nucleosome structure and dynamics.. 513. 2012
- Protein 3-nitrotyrosine in complex biological samples: quantification by high-pressure liquid chromatography/electrochemical detection and emergence of proteomic approaches for unbiased identification of modification sites.. 441. 2008
- Direct stimulation of Bruton's tyrosine kinase by G protein alpha subunits.. 345. 2002
- Identification of transmembrane adenylyl cyclase isoforms.. 345. 2002
- Preface.. 572. 2016