Variable deletion of exon 9 coding sequences in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene mRNA transcripts in normal bronchial epithelium. Academic Article uri icon



  • The predicted protein domains coded by exons 9-12 and 19-23 of the 27 exon cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene contain two putative nucleotide-binding fold regions. Analysis of CFTR mRNA transcripts in freshly isolated bronchial epithelium from 12 normal adult individuals demonstrated that all had some CFTR mRNA transcripts with exon 9 completely deleted (exon 9- mRNA transcripts). In most (9 of 12), the exon 9- transcripts represented less than or equal to 25% of the total CFTR transcripts. However, in three individuals, the exon 9- transcripts were more abundant, comprising 39, 62 and 66% of all CFTR transcripts. Re-evaluation of the same individuals 2-4 months later showed the same proportions of exon 9- transcripts. Of the 24 CFTR alleles in the 12 individuals, the sequences of the exon-intron junctions relevant to exon 9 deletion (exon 8-intron 8, intron 8-exon 9, exon 9-intron 9, and intron 9-exon 10) were identical except for the intron 8-exon 9 region sequences. Several individuals had varying lengths of a TG repeat in the region between splice branch and splice acceptor consensus sites. Interestingly, one allele in each of the two individuals with 62 and 66% exon 9- transcripts had a TT deletion in the splice acceptor site for exon 9. These observations suggest either the unlikely possibility that sequences in exon 9 are not critical for the functioning of the CFTR or that only a minority of the CFTR mRNA transcripts need to contain exon 9 sequences to produce sufficient amounts of a normal CFTR to maintain a normal clinical phenotype.


  • Crystal, Ronald G
  • Chu, C S
  • Trapnell, B C
  • Murtagh, J J
  • Moss, J
  • Dalemans, W
  • Jallat, S
  • Mercenier, A
  • Pavirani, A
  • Lecocq, J P
  • Cutting, G R

publication date

  • June 1, 1991



  • Bronchi
  • Membrane Proteins


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC452795

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0025906695

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1002/j.1460-2075.1991.tb07655.x

PubMed ID

  • 1709095

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