Remodeling of the Enterococcal Cell Envelope during Surface Penetration Promotes Intrinsic Resistance to Stress. Academic Article uri icon



  • Enterococcus faecalis is a normal commensal of the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT). However, upon disruption of gut homeostasis, this nonmotile bacterium can egress from its natural niche and spread to distal organs. While this translocation process can lead to life-threatening systemic infections, the underlying mechanisms remain largely unexplored. Our prior work showed that E. faecalis migration across diverse surfaces requires the formation of matrix-covered multicellular aggregates and the synthesis of exopolysaccharides, but how enterococcal cells are reprogrammed during this process is unknown. Whether surface penetration endows E. faecalis with adaptive advantages is also uncertain. Here, we report that surface penetration promotes the generation of a metabolically and phenotypically distinct E. faecalis population with an enhanced capacity to endure various forms of extracellular stress. Surface-invading enterococci demonstrated major ultrastructural alterations in their cell envelope characterized by increased membrane glycolipid content. These changes were accompanied by marked induction of specific transcriptional programs enhancing cell envelope biogenesis and glycolipid metabolism. Notably, the surface-invading population demonstrated superior tolerance to membrane-damaging antimicrobials, including daptomycin and β-defensins produced by epithelial cells. Genetic mutations impairing glycolipid biosynthesis sensitized E. faecalis to envelope stressors and reduced the ability of this bacterium to penetrate semisolid surfaces and translocate through human intestinal epithelial cell monolayers. Our study reveals that surface penetration induces distinct transcriptional, metabolic, and ultrastructural changes that equip E. faecalis with enhanced capacity to resist external stressors and thrive in its surrounding environment. IMPORTANCE Enterococcus faecalis inhabits the GIT of multiple organisms, where its establishment could be mediated by the formation of biofilm-like aggregates. In susceptible individuals, this bacterium can overgrow and breach intestinal barriers, a process that may lead to lethal systemic infections. While the formation of multicellular aggregates promotes E. faecalis migration across surfaces, little is known about the metabolic and physiological states of the enterococci encased in these surface-penetrating structures. The present study reveals that E. faecalis cells capable of migrating through semisolid surfaces genetically reprogram their metabolism toward increased cell envelope and glycolipid biogenesis, which confers superior tolerance to membrane-damaging agents. E. faecalis's success as a pathobiont depends on its antimicrobial resistance, as well as on its rapid adaptability to overcome multiple environmental challenges. Thus, targeting adaptive genetic and/or metabolic pathways induced during E. faecalis surface penetration may be useful to better confront infections by this bacterium in the clinic.

publication date

  • November 10, 2022



  • Daptomycin


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC9765498

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85144359736

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1128/mbio.02294-22

PubMed ID

  • 36354750

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