RNA tertiary structure and conformational dynamics revealed by BASH MaP. uri icon



  • The functional effects of an RNA can arise from complex three-dimensional folds known as tertiary structures. However, predicting the tertiary structure of an RNA and whether an RNA adopts distinct tertiary conformations remains challenging. To address this, we developed BASH MaP, a single-molecule dimethyl sulfate (DMS) footprinting method and DAGGER, a computational pipeline, to identify alternative tertiary structures adopted by different molecules of RNA. BASH MaP utilizes potassium borohydride to reveal the chemical accessibility of the N7 position of guanosine, a key mediator of tertiary structures. We used BASH MaP to identify diverse conformational states and dynamics of RNA G-quadruplexes, an important RNA tertiary motif, in vitro and in cells. BASH MaP and DAGGER analysis of the fluorogenic aptamer Spinach reveals that it adopts alternative tertiary conformations which determine its fluorescence states. BASH MaP thus provides an approach for structural analysis of RNA by revealing previously undetectable tertiary structures.

publication date

  • August 19, 2024


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC11030352

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1101/2024.04.11.589009

PubMed ID

  • 38645201