Serial Cell-Free DNA Sequencing in ROS1 Fusion-Positive Lung Cancers During Treatment With Entrectinib.
Academic Article
PURPOSE: Patients with metastatic ROS1 fusion-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are effectively treated with entrectinib, a multikinase inhibitor. Whether serial targeted gene panel sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) can identify response and progression along with mechanisms of acquired resistance to entrectinib is underexplored. METHODS: In patients with ROS1 fusion-positive NSCLC, coclinical trial plasma samples were collected before treatment, after two cycles, and after progression on entrectinib (global phase II clinical trial, identifier: NCT02568267). Samples underwent cfDNA analysis using MSK-ACCESS. Variant allele frequencies of detectable alterations were correlated with objective response per RECIST v1.1 criteria. RESULTS: Twelve patients were included, with best response as partial response (n = 9, 75%), stable disease (n = 2, 17%), and progressive disease (PD; n = 1, 8%). A ROS1 fusion was variably detected in cfDNA; however, patients without a ROS1 fusion in cfDNA had no other somatic alterations detected, indicative of possible low cfDNA shedding. Clearance of the enrolling ROS1 fusion or concurrent non-ROS1 alterations (TP53, CDH1, NF1, or ARID1A mutations) was observed in response to entrectinib therapy. Radiologic PD was accompanied by redemonstration of a ROS1 fusion or non-ROS1 alterations. On-target resistance was rare; only one patient acquired ROS1 G2032R at the time of progression. Several patients acquired new off-target likely oncogenic alterations, including a truncating alteration in NF1. CONCLUSION: Serial cfDNA monitoring may complement radiographic assessments as determinants of response and resistance to entrectinib in ROS1 fusion-positive lung cancers in addition to detecting putative resistance mechanisms on progression.
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