Jonathan D Victor   Professor of Neuroscience

  • +1 212 746 2343

The research interests of the laboratory focus on areas of basic and clinical neuroscience in which combining mathematical, computational, and experimental approaches can lead to significant progress.

Basic research

Overall, we are interested in the design principles of sensory processing, both in the sensory periphery and in the brain, and how these design principles are implemented in biological hardware. We seek to determine the aspects of sensory information that are represented, the features of the activity of individual neurons and neural populations that support these representations, and realistic models for how these representations are transformed. These questions are addressed in the visual system, via neurophysiologic studies at the single-cell and multineuronal level (with Keith Purpura) and via psychophysical studies (with Mary Conte).
Experimental investigations are complemented by theoretical studies, including (a) the development of approaches to analyze multineuronal activity and (b) strategies for stimulus design that bridge the gap between methods motivated by analytical convenience, such as white noise and sinusoids, and methods based on ethologically relevant stimuli, such as natural scenes.

Clinical research

In many neurologic diseases, including epilepsy and chronic brain injury, alterations in the dynamics of neuronal populations plays a major role in pathogenesis and/or symptomatology. In conjunction with Niko Schiff and colleagues, we are analyzing EEG, functional imaging, and anatomical imaging in brain injury patients to probe these dynamics and their relationship to spontaneous and induced fluctuations in cognitive ability and behavior. Population models of thalamocortical interactions play an important role in shaping the analytical approach.
We anticipate that both the investigational methods developed and the insights gained will generalize to many other conditions in which rapid fluctuations in level of function are a prominent feature, such as autism and Alzheimer's Disease.

Collaborative work

  • Sensory processing and neural coding in the gustatory system (with Patricia Di Lorenzo)
  • Fixational eye movements and their implications for visual information processing (with Michele Rucci)
  • An open resource to facilitate application of information-theoretic analyses to neural data (with David Goldberg and Dan Gardner at the Laboratory of Neuroinformatics)
  • An integrated software suite for exploratory and spectral data analysis (with Partha Mitra)

For more information, please visit Dr. Victor's:


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Funding awarded

  • Central Processing of Visual Information  awarded by National Eye Institute/NIH/DHHS Principal Investigator 2019 - 2024
  • Role of fixational eye movements and saccades in processing spatial information in V1-V2-V4 networks  awarded by National Eye Institute/NIH/DHHS Co-Investigator 2022 - 2026
  • JSMF Covid-19 Consortium for Recovery of Consciousness  awarded by James S. McDonnell Foundation Co-Investigator 2020 - 2025
  • Function of Fixational Instability During Natural Viewing  awarded by National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute Principal Investigator Subaward 2022 - 2026
  • NeuroNex: From Odor to Action:Discovering Principles of Olfactory-Guided Natural Behavior  awarded by National Cancer Institute Principal Investigator Subaward 2020 - 2025



full name

  • Jonathan D Victor

primary email


External Relationships


  • Relationships and collaborations with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are of vital importance to our faculty because these exchanges of scientific information foster innovation. As experts in their fields, WCM physicians and scientists are sought after by many organizations to consult and educate. WCM and its faculty make this information available to the public, thus creating a transparent environment.

    Consultant refers to an individual who provides expert advice to a business or entity (e.g., consulting on medical devices or pharmaceuticals)Consultant:
    Elsevier, BV; Springer Science and Business Media