publication venue for
- Evaluation of a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Didactic for Medical Trainees in an Acute Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatric Unit. 2024
- Exploring Preclinical Medical Students' Experience Facilitating Group Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for a Student-Run Mental Health Clinic: A Qualitative Study. 2024
- Exploring Preclinical Medical Students’ Experience Facilitating Group Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for a Student-Run Mental Health Clinic: A Qualitative Study. 48:334-338. 2024
- Development and Evaluation of an Innovative Neurology E-learning Didactic Curriculum for Psychiatry Residents. 2023
- A Peer-to-Peer, Longitudinal Reproductive Psychiatry Educational Curriculum for Obstetrics/Gynecology Residents. 2022
- Using the Psychiatry Resident-In-Training Examination (PRITE) to Assess the Psychiatry Medical Knowledge Milestones in Psychiatry.. 46. 2021
- Sociocultural Psychiatry: Developing and Implementing a Residency Curriculum.. 46. 2021
- Remote Liaison to Families: a Psychiatric Response to Medical Care Gaps Created by Pandemic Surge Conditions in New York City.. 45. 2021
- Inpatient Child and Adolescent Psychiatry as an Extracurricular Venue for Medical Student and Resident Education and Professional Development: Story Time and Teen Talk.. 44. 2020
- Teaching Psychiatric Formulation to Residents and Faculty.. 44. 2020
- Neuroimaging Education in Psychiatry Residency Training: Needs Assessment.. 44. 2019
- Moonlighting by Psychiatry Residents: a Survey of Residents and Training Directors.. 43. 2018
- A Perfect Day for Bananafish: Learning the Imperfect Art of Predicting Suicide.. 41. 2017
- The Machine Days Are Over: Medicine Metaphors and the Psychiatric Resident.. 42. 2017
- A Multi-tiered Model for Clinical Scholarship.. 42. 2017
- Teaching Trauma and Narrative: Using Salinger's For Esmé-with Love and Squalor.. 41. 2017
- Reproductive Psychiatry Fellowship Training: Identification and Characterization of Current Programs.. 42. 2017
- Six Things All Medical Students Need to Know About Geriatric Psychiatry (and How To Teach Them).. 41. 2017
- Reproductive Psychiatry Residency Training: A Survey of Psychiatric Residency Program Directors.. 42. 2017
- Use of Electronic Resources for Psychiatry Clerkship Learning: A Medical Student Survey.. 41. 2016
- Assessing the Learning Environment for Medical Students: An Evaluation of a Novel Survey Instrument in Four Medical Schools.. 41. 2016
- Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the US Psychiatric Workforce: A Perspective and Recommendations.. 40. 2016
- Teaching Psychiatry on the Global Scene: The Cornell University Experience.. 40. 2015
- Career Development Institute with Enhanced Mentoring: A Revisit.. 40. 2015
- Design and Piloting of an Integrated Neuroscience Elective for Medical Students in Their Clinical Clerkships.. 40. 2015
- Geriatric psychiatry in the psychiatry clerkship: a survey of current education practices.. 39. 2015
- Neuroscience in the residency curriculum: the psychoanalytic psychotherapy perspective.. 38. 2014
- Mental illness among us: a new curriculum to reduce mental illness stigma among medical students.. 37. 2013
- Influence of clerkship on attitudes of medical students toward psychiatry across cultures: United States and Qatar.. 37. 2013
- Developing the next generation of researchers in emerging fields: case study of a multisite postdoctoral research training program.. 37. 2013
- Experiential anamnesis and group consensus: an innovative method to teach residents to teach.. 34. 2010
- The Career Development Institute for Psychiatry: an innovative, longitudinal program for physician-scientists.. 33. 2009
- Practical strategies for becoming a successful medical book author.. 32. 2008
- A Day in the Life of an Academic Psychiatrist.. 27. 2003
- Mastering the double life: a juggling act.. 27. 2003
- Standards for Psychiatry Clerkship Directors.. 26. 2002
- An integrated preclerkship curriculum in neuroscience, psychiatry, and neurology.. 21. 1997
- What and how psychiatry residents at ten training programs wish to learn about ethics.. 20. 1996
- Book Forum.. 19. 1995
- AIDS as a paradigm of human behavior in disease : impact and implications of a course.. 14. 1990
- Applicants' perceptions of psychiatric residency training programs.. 13. 1989
- Comment on: LGBT-Specific Education in General Psychiatry Residency Programs: a Survey of Program Directors.. 43. 2019
- A changing DSM: the perspective of a trainee.. 36. 2012
- Why join a subspecialty organization? Membership in the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine.. 31. 2007
- Psychiatry Residency Elective on a Young Adult and College Track Unit. 2024
- Integrating Technology into Undergraduate Medical Education: Can Affective Computing Help Teach Empathy? 2023
- A Medical Student-Led Stigma Awareness Initiative in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region. 2023
- Two Models for Developing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs in Psychiatric Academic Medical Centers. 2023
- Novel Support Model for the Management of Occupational Stress Among Frontline Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a New Training Opportunity. 2021
- Utilizing Resident-Driven Morbidity and Mortality Conferences in the Department of Psychiatry. 2019
- A resident rotation in collaborative care: learning to deliver primary care-based psychiatric services. 2013
- An Alternative Proposal for Teaching Medical Students About Psychiatry: Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Rotations That Consult to Medical and Surgical Services. 2023
- Why Supervise Psychotherapy? 2023
- Psychiatry and Palliative Care: Growing the Interface Through Education. 2022
- Filling the Gap in Geriatric Psychiatry Education for Medical Students: Development of the ADMSEP Annotated Bibliography of Web-Based Resources on Geriatric Mental Health for Medical Student Education.. 45. 2020
- Creative solutions to psychiatry's increasing reliance on residents as teachers.. 34. 2010
- Improving Psychiatrists' Attitudes Towards Individuals with Psychotic Disorders and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders. 2015
- A four factor model of systems-based practices in psychiatry. 2012
- Choosing a child and adolescent psychiatry residency. 2006